Category: Female Fertility

Pre-Pregnancy Planning: Don’t Start A Family Before You Check These Things Off Your List!​

Ever heard of Planned Parenthood and wondered what the organisation’s name meant? If you haven’t, it is an American-based nonprofit organisation that informs millions across the globe on reproductive health care and sex education. 

Though the term “planned parenthood” can lead to many things, one of the most important and overlooked aspects of what the organisation does is fertility planning or pre pregnancy planning — a process or set of procedures that help keep you and your future babies safe.

Also known as preconception care, pre pregnancy planning is what helps you discover and solve potential issues that could affect your pregnancy. Despite your family history, it is vital that every woman and their partner go for fertility check ups before planning to have a baby.

What entails a fertility check up?

Think that pre pregnancy planning only involves the carrier i.e. the mother who will be carrying the baby? Think again. It takes both the male and female counterparts to go through a fertility health checkup, an essential part of pre pregnancy planning. This may include ultrasound scans and hormone blood tests for women and a semen quantity and quality analysis for men. In countries like Malaysia, for example, a pre-marriage HIV test is also highly encouraged to reduce the spread of this deadly disease from spouse to spouse or from mother to baby. 

Pelvic ultrasound scans, according to John Hopkins Medicine, are the best way to detect abnormalities such as:

  • Abnormalities in the anatomic structure of the uterus, including endometrial conditions
  • Fibroid tumors, masses, cysts, and other types of tumors within the pelvis
  • Presence and position of an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD)
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and other types of inflammation or infection
  • Postmenopausal bleeding
  • Monitoring of ovarian follicle size for infertility evaluation
  • Aspiration of follicular fluid and eggs from ovaries for in vitro fertilisation
  • Ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy occurring outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube)
  • Monitoring fetal development during pregnancy
  • Assessing certain fetal conditions

Here’s what you can expect from a visit to the doctor when it comes to preconception care: your doctor will discuss with you about your own medical history and your family’s medical history, current health issues you may be facing, diet and lifestyle changes, medications that you are on, pregnancy history, and any mental health issues that may affect you should you decide to get pregnant with a baby. You’ll be surprised at just how much it can affect your pregnancy — some doctors may even suggest you book a dentist appointment for a checkup. Why? To prevent health problems for you and your future baby thanks to things like gum disease.

What is a partner’s role in pre pregnancy planning?

Hold up — what is a man’s role in all of this? Thankfully, your partner can play an active role in pre pregnancy planning if you want them to. Getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby is a long and arduous journey that shouldn’t be done alone, hence why it is a partner’s job to make it as easy as possible for you through encouragement and emotional support.

Dietary requirements and lifestyle changes can be hard to keep up with, and this is where the male counterparts can shine. Not only can they take care of your needs and changes, they must make sure that they make an effort on their end too — the diet and lifestyle your partner chooses to adhere to can actually affect sperm count and quality, meaning that you might have issues getting pregnant in the first place.

    According to Planned Parenthood, some of the things that can lower a man’s sperm count include but are not limited to:

    • smoking or using other kinds of tobacco
    • drinking alcohol
    • using steroids
    • using illegal drugs
    • using certain prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines
    • being in hot environments frequently such as saunas and steam rooms
    • having an unhealthy diet

    Does it matter if I go for premarital screenings?

    Yes — if you’re worried about having a high risk pregnancy. A high-risk pregnancy, as told by John Hopkins Medicine, is a pregnancy “that involves increased health risks for the pregnant person, foetus or both”. While uncommon, it is best to ensure that you are not part of that demographic through pelvic ultrasound scans, fertility checkups, and regular prenatal screenings at your local hospital.

    Some pregnancies can even start off on the right foot but end badly somewhere down the line, which is why regular visits to the doctor are a must to lower your chances of going through a high-risk pregnancy. If you have any of these conditions listed below, it is imperative that you take pre pregnancy planning seriously to avoid complications:

    • ○ have high blood pressure, or heart or kidney disease
    • ○ have other chronic conditions, like diabetes, lupus, or HIV/AIDS
    • ○ have a history of miscarriages, stillbirths, or premature births
    • ○ know you’re at risk of having a child with birth defects or a genetic disorder
    • ○ have a sexually transmitted infection
    • ○ are underweight or overweight
    • ○ are older than 35 or younger than 17 years old

    How Well Do You Know About Sterility and Infertility?


    Certain terms can be a little confusing especially if they are medical related and when they seem similar in definition such as infertility and sterility.

    Most people throw ‘infertile’ and ‘sterile’ around and use it interchangeably but they do not mean the same thing. 

    There is a big difference between these two concepts because they actually describe two different conditions and each have different treatments. 

    So, let’s see the difference between sterility and infertility and how to move past infertility. 

    What Is Sterility?


    The common definition for sterility is inability to create offspring as a result of a procedure such as tubal ligation, hysterectomy or vasectomy. 

    Tubal ligation which is also known as “getting your tubes tied” is a procedure that blocks or partially removes a woman’s fallopian tubes. 

    Thus, this removes the chance for sperm and egg to meet. 

    Vasectomy is similar but for males– the tube that allows sperm to travel out of the testicle is partially removed. 

    Sterility can also be the result of hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus. 

    In other words, sterility is the inability to conceive.

    What Is Infertility?


    According to CDC, infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant (conceive) after one year- or longer, of unprotected sex. 

    People with infertility try to conceive with appropriate, timed and unprotected intercourse for twelve months without success.

    If the woman is 35 years or older, the duration of the time is shortened to 6 months. 

    Other causes that may shorten the time are anovulation (female partner is not ovulating), male factor (low sperm count/motility) or the need for donor sperm. 

    Infertility is extremely common, and once the root cause for infertility is diagnosed and treated, most couples can conceive successfully. 

    Unlike sterility, infertility is not always the direct result of a medical procedure or condition. 

    Infertility and sterility sometimes link or co-exist but they are not the same, necessarily. 

    For instance, a woman that has gone through hysterectomy is considered sterile, thus the woman is infertile. 

    In contrast, a woman may not have infertility issues – but if her male partner is sterile, the couple would suffer from infertility. 

    Types of Infertility 

    Usually, infertility is diagnosed when a couple has not managed to conceive after a year of trying (6 months if the woman is 35 years or older). 

    There are two types of infertility: 

    1. Primary Infertility

    Primary infertility refers to couples that has yet to be pregnant after a year having sex without using any birth control methods.

    These couples are the ones who have never conceived a child in the past and have difficulty in conceiving.

    1. Secondary Infertility

    Secondary infertility refers to couples who have been able to get pregnant at least once but now are unable to do so. 

    When to Get Medical Help?

    When a year of trying to conceive has passed without success, consult your doctor. 

    Should you see a doctor more quickly? Yes, if:

    • You are a female who is 36 years of age or older; fertility declines more quickly after the mid-30s
    • You have any other causes for concern regarding your fertility, such as cancer therapy or suspicions of a sexually transmitted infection (STI)

    It is advised to make an appointment early because fertility tests can take some time and female fertility declines with age.

    The general practitioner will be able to perform an initial evaluation to look for conditions that could be the root of your fertility issues and will be able to give you advice on what to do next.

    Since reproductive issues can impact either one of the couple or both, it is always recommended for both parties to visit the doctor. 

    It is crucial to provide each other with as much support as you can because trying to get pregnant can be a stressful journey. One of the many elements that can impact fertility is stress.

    If you are worried about your chances of getting pregnant and regarding your fertility health, let us share a secret with you.

    Moving Past Infertility with FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3. 


    With FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3, it is able to provide all the necessary micronutrients needed to support female fertility health. 

    Natural treatment option like FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3 takes time to work its magic. However, it is scientifically proven to increase fertility rate and it is a hormone-free formulation.

    Along with lifestyle changes and supplementation using FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3, doctors may also recommend the following therapies:

    • Hormone treatment
    • Insemination
    • IVF (in vitro fertilisation = fertilisation in test tube)
    • ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection = direct sperm injection in the cytoplasm of the egg cell)
    • TESE (testicular sperm extraction = sperm extraction from the testicular tissue for fertility treatment)

    FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3 supports ovulation to ensure healthy egg cells are transported from the ovaries, and through the fallopian tubes to meet with sperm cells for fertilization. 

    Additionally, taking FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3 can support female menstrual cycle regulation and promote egg cell implantation onto the uterus lining.

    FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3 can also help women with PCOS to regulate their monthly cycle and improve hormonal balance. 

    Don’t wait any longer. 


    7 Tanda Awal Kehamilan Yang Bakal Ibu Perlu Tahu

    tanda awal kehamilan

    Semasa mengandung badan wanita akan mengalami pelbagai perubahan daripada segi fizikal, emosi dan psikologi. Jadi, mereka perlu cakna akan 7 tanda awal kehamilan sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga.

    Wanita-wanita yang ingin mengandung boleh merasakan perubahan seawal 1 minggu setelah konsepsi (conception). Tetapi, mungkin terlalu awal untuk melakukan ujian kehamilan. 

    Oleh itu, mereka akan memerhati dulu tanda-tanda mengandung yang ada kerana perubahan yang dikatakan tadi. 

    Walaupun tidak sama bagi semua wanita tetapi kebanyakkan akan mempunyai tanda-tanda yang akan kami kongsikan.

    Teruskan membaca untuk mengetahui 7 tanda-tanda mengandung yang bakal ibu perlu tahu.

    7 Tanda-tanda Awal Kehamilan

    1.  Kekejangan abdomen 

    Biasanya, wanita yang mengandung akan mengalami kekejangan di bahagian rahim dan abdomen. 

    Kekejangan terasa menggembung seakan-akan tanda sebelum waktu haid atau menstruasi.

    Hal ini mungkin kerana perubahan hormon progesteron yang berlaku apabila seseorang itu mengandung.

    Kekejangan juga boleh disebabkan oleh telur yang dalam proses untuk melekat pada dinding uterus. 

    Hormon progesteron mengakibatkan pergerakan otot lebih perlahan dan memberi kesan kepada bahagian pencernaan.

    Keadaan ini boleh menyebabkan masalah sembelit atau pedih ulu hati, yang juga merupakan salah satu tanda kehamilan. 

    Proses pencernaan dilambatkan supaya badan mempunyai lebih masa menyalurkan nutrisi kepada kandungan. 

    1.  Selera Makan Berubah
    tanda awal kehamilan

    Umum tahu tanda awal mengandung adalah merasa mual yang boleh muncul seawal dari dua minggu persenyawaan. 

    Selain itu, rasa pening dan mudah letih juga merupakan tanda-tanda seseorang itu mengandung.

    Hal ini kerana tubuh bekerja untuk membesarkan fetus dalam rahim dan menyalurkannya dengan nutrisi, tidak kira waktu. 

    Sebab itulah wanita mengandung biasanya cepat rasa letih dan ada juga yang mengidam. 

    Mengidam menjadi satu cara badan untuk memberitahu para ibu mengandung makanan tertentu yang diinginkan. 

    Tetapi jika mengidam makanan yang tidak berkhasiat, para ibu perlu belajar untuk mengawal kuantiti dan kekerapan makan. 

    Ini bagi mengurangkan kemudaratan kepada diri dan perkembangan bayi dalam kandungan.

    Pengambilan makanan yang tinggi dengan nutrisi sangat penting untuk tumbesaran bayi yang baik. 

    1.  Emosi Tak Menentu

    Bukan selera makan sahaja berubah, emosi turut senang berubah-berubah ketika mengandung. 

    Biasanya ibu mengandung menjadi cepat sensitif, sedih dan marah malah emosi ini sukar dikawal atau dielak kerana hormon meningkat secara drastik semasa mengandung. 

    Perubahan lain pada tubuh seperti cepat letih dan mengalami tekanan juga boleh menyumbang kepada emosi yang tidak stabil.

    1.  Terlepas Menstruasi
    tanda awal kehamilan

    Tanda mengandung yang ini mudah dikesan terutamanya bagi wanita yang kitaran haidnya adalah konsisten dan tetap. 

    Kalau lewat menstruasi, biasanya wanita akan terus menjangka mereka mengandung. 

    Tetapi ada juga wanita mengandung tetapi menyangka mereka tidak kerana berlaku pendarahan yang disangkakan darah haid. 

    Namun, pendarahan tersebut perkara biasa yang mungkin berlaku kerana pelekatan telur pada rahim setelah persenyawaan. 

    Tetapi tidak semua wanita terlepas atau lewat datang haid itu mengandung kerana ada juga kondisi ini berlaku kerana perubahan diet, tertekan dan faktor-faktor lain. 

    Sebab itulah pentingnya anda melakukan ujian kehamilan paling awal 7 hari selepas tarikh yang sepatutnya anda datang haid. 

    1.  Kerap Membuang Air Kecil 

    Hormon hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin) dirembeskan oleh kantung bayi (placenta) selepas fetus melekat pada rahim. 

    Hormon ini membuatkan seseorang itu kerap rasa ingin membuang air kecil.

    Biasa kita dengar wanita yang sarat mengandung selalu terasa ingin membuang air kecil kerana bayi dalam kandungan menekan bahagian pundi kencing, kan?

    Tetapi sebenarnya rasa selalu ingin ke tandas ini juga merupakan tanda awal mengandung. 

    Selain hormon hCG, badan juga menambah kandungan cecair termasuk darah untuk persediaan membesarkan bayi dalam kandungan.

    Jadi, buah pinggang bekerja lebih menyebabkan wanita mengandung mengalami kekerapan membuang air kecil tinggi.

    1.  Perubahan Pada Payudara 

    Perubahan pada payudara merupakan salah satu tanda awal yang para ibu boleh perhatikan. 

    Perubahan pada puting payudara yang dirasakan menonjol keluar dan areola (kawasan gelap puting) semakin membesar. 

    Kawasan dada membengkak, membesar dan sensitif kerana kelenjar menjadi aktif sebagai persediaan menyusukan bayi. 

    Kadangkala wanita terlepas pandang perubahan ini kerana rasa bengkak itu seperti sebelum atau semasa menstruasi. 

    Jadi, ramai yang menyangka mereka hanya melalui perubahan sebelum menstruasi dan bukannya tanda awal mengandung. 

    1.  Mudah Dijangkiti 

    Wanita mengandung mudah dijangkiti virus termasuk mudah diserang batuk dan selsema.

    Kadar progesteron yang tinggi berfungsi menahan imunisasi badan wanita daripada menyerang DNA baharu dan asing yang dimiliki oleh fetus.

    Bila imunisasi tidak dapat berfungsi seperti biasa, maka virus dan bakteria mudah menyerang.

    Selain itu, muka, gusi dan mata yang membengkak juga boleh menjadi tanda awal mengandung.

    Jika anda ingin memastikan tubuh badan anda sihat dan subur untuk menghasilkan kandungan yang sihat, cubalah FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3.


    tanda awal kehamilan

    FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3 merupakan supplement yang boleh membantu wanita untuk meningkatkan tahap kesuburan mereka secara natural melalui mikronutrisi. 

    ‘Pil kesuburan’ ini merupakan formulasi yang bebas hormon. 

    Seiring dengan perubahan gaya hidup dan pengambilan supplement FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3, rawatan lain yang mungkin disarankan oleh pakar perubatan adalah: 

    • Rawatan hormon
    • Inseminasi
    • IVF (in vitro fertilisation = persenyawaan dalam tabung uji)
    • ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection = suntikan sperma langsung dalam sitoplasma sel telur)
    • TESE (testicular sperm extraction = pengekstrakan sperma dari tisu testis untuk rawatan kesuburan)

    FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3 menyokong ovulasi untuk memastikan pembebasan sel telur yang sihat dari ovari, dan melalui tiub fallopio untuk bertemu dengan sel sperma bagi tujuan persenyawaan. 

    Selain itu, pengambilan pil ini boleh membantu meregulasi kitaran haid wanita serta membolehkan implementasi telur pada dinding uterus. 

    Hasil kajian sains juga menunjukkan bahawa pengambilan FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3 lebih efektif berbanding dengan pengambilan asid folik sahaja dari segi peningkatan tahap kesuburan wanita. 

    Untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut, tekan link dibawah.

    Dapatkan FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3 Sekarang!

    The Meaning Behind Conception: An Overview You Must Read


    Conception is not a medical term but a term that refers to fertilization, when a sperm fertilizes an egg.

    It happens when a sperm fertilizes an egg. 

    Every woman must have heard this term at least once in their lifetime. 

    It involves a complicated series of steps where everything must fall into place for a pregnancy to be carried to term.

    Let’s take a closer look at what conception is all about and its importance in the pregnancy process.

    What Is Conception?


    Usually the term ‘conception’ is defined as the moment when a sperm fertilizes an egg which can happen inside or outside of the body (when using IVF). 

    The successful joining of an egg and sperm may occur hours to days after having sexual intercourse. 

    During sex, a male ejaculates and releases semen into the vagina. 

    Within the semen are sperm that will travel out of the semen into the woman’s cervical mucus. 

    Some sperm make it, but many will die before reaching the cervical mucus. 

    The strongest sperm will travel to the fallopian tubes and wait for an egg to fertilize and if the two meet up, conception can occur.

    However, conception does not always lead to pregnancy. 

    A person is technically not pregnant until implantation occurs. 

    Implantation is the moment when the fertilized egg implants into the lining of a uterus (around 5-6 days after fertilization). 

    Not all fertilized eggs get to the implantation stage. 

    An estimated 50% of all fertilized eggs do not implant and leave the body just like unfertilized eggs do, which is during menstruation.

    When And How Does Conception Occur? 

    Conception can occur just before or after ovulation (the point in the menstrual cycle when the ovaries release an egg). 

    In a regular menstrual cycle, ovulation usually occurs around 10-16 days before a person’s next period. 

    However, the exact day of ovulation often varies especially for those who have irregular cycles that change in length every month. 

    Fertilization can happen in several ways: 

    1. Sexual intercourse

    During sex, sperm can enter the vagina, swim up towards the uterus and find its way to the egg. 

    This can take several days, with healthy sperm surviving inside the body for up to 5 days. 

    There are two ways conception can take place with this method: 

    • You have sex during the 24-hour period you are ovulating
    • You have sex in the days leading up to or right after ovulation.
    1. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) 

    This involves a doctor inserting sperm into the uterus through a thin tube. 

    This option is viable for people trying to get pregnant via sperm donation or for those opting for surrogacy. 

    Surrogacy is when a person other than the biological parents carries the pregnancy. 

    1. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

    This involves a doctor taking sperm and eggs from two people and combining them in a laboratory setting.

    Even though IVF cannot guarantee fertilization will occur, it creates the best circumstances possible for it to happen. 

    Why Does Conception Matter?

    In the pregnancy process, conception is a critical step. 

    If a woman does not ovulate, she cannot get pregnant. 

    The same goes if a man’s sperm is not strong enough to swim up to the fallopian tubes, it will not be able to fertilize an egg and conception cannot happen. 

    It’s crucial to note that fertility treatments may increase your odds of getting pregnant. 

    As a woman ages, the chances of getting pregnant decreases. 

    This is because there are about one to two million eggs present in the ovaries at birth and that is the number of eggs you will have during your lifetime. 

    Over time, fertility can drop as the number of eggs decreases due to follicular atresia. 

    Follicular atresia is the process of breakdown in eggs that are not released during ovulation. 

    At puberty, the number of eggs will likely drop to about 300,000 to 500,000 and this number continues to decline each year. 

    By the age of 37, the average woman has 25,000 eggs. 

    The concern does not stop to the decrease of the number of eggs but the quality of the eggs too. 

    As a woman gets older, the remaining eggs are more likely to have abnormal chromosomes. 

    Age also comes with risks such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis which can affect fertility. 

    All of these factors impact ovulation and will lead to conception difficulty. 

    In order for conception to take place, it is also important for a man’s sperm to be healthy and able to fertilize an egg.

    Although several sperm are available to make the trip to the fallopian tube, only one is needed for fertilization. 

    For the man’s part, age also plays an important role to male-related fertility as sperm concentrations, motility and volume decreases as men get older. 

    If you are worried with your chances of getting pregnant and regarding your fertility, let us share with you a secret.

    Increase Your Fertility with FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3. 


    Female fertility can be supported in a natural way with micronutrients by using FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3.

    This hormone-free fertility pill is scientifically proven to improve fertility rates in women, especially above the age of 35.

    Other treatment options that may be proposed by your fertility specialist in combination with diet management and Fortelle+Omega-3 includes:

    • Hormone treatment
    • Insemination
    • IVF (in vitro fertilisation = fertilisation in test tube)
    • ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection = direct sperm injection in the cytoplasm of the egg cell)
    • TESE (testicular sperm extraction = sperm extraction from the testicular tissue for fertility treatment)

    FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3 helps in terms of supporting ovulation so that the egg cells are transported through the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. 

    Besides, the intake of FORTELLETM+ OMEGA-3 can help regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle and improve conditions for the implantation of the egg cell onto the uterine lining.

    This also applies if clinical signs of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS – disturbance in the female hormonal cycle) has been observed.

    Don’t wait any longer. 

    Get Yours Now!